With EndNote, you can create your own personal library of references to articles, books and other materials you have collected during your research. You can then select and insert references from your library into a word document by means of a toolbar which the EndNote program adds to your Word program. EndNote will create an in-text citation for the reference and also create the bibliography entry at the end of the document. These entries can be configured to conform to any bibliographic style you choose.
You can type the references into your library manually;
You can download the references from electronic databases such as Medline, PsycInfo or CINAHL; or
You can capture references for books from a library catalogue you searched.
You can search your library for the reference by author or keyword from the EndNote toolbar in Word and insert it into your Word document;
You can insert page numbers into an in-text citation using the EndNote toolbar in Word;
You can suppress author and/or date in specific in-text references by using the EndNote toolbar in Word; and
You can make your bibliography conform to various referencing styles such as APA or Harvard, or format references as endnotes or footnotes without ever retyping your references.
To download onto a Queensland Health PC, staff should access the QH app store and install the software. An alternative is to register your request on the SelfService Centre Web site.
Hospital and Health Service staff may also install Endnote on their home PC. Staff should contact the Queensland Health Library that serves their Hospital and Health Service, and request a copy of the installation file.