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Bayside Health Services Library: About the Library

About the Library


To provide a range of services and information which enhance the provision of patient care, research, education and management undertaken by the staff of;

  • Redland Hospital and including: Redland Health Service Centre and Redland Residential
  • Wynnum-Manly Community Health Centre, Gundu Pa located at Wynnum West.
  • Marie Rose Centre located at Dunwich on North Stradbroke Island.
  • Bayside Mental Health Service, including Casuarina Lodge and Yugaipa Mental Health Unit.

University Students on Placement

Unfortunately we do not loan to University Students, however they may use the library facilities, read books within the library and use the Wifi. There are two University of Queensland computers available for UQ students, staff and associates to use. These require a current UQ Login and password. There is also a small UQ book collection near the front entrance. These books are not for loan and can only be read within the library.


Clients are required to complete a Patron Registration Form.  Print copies are located on the library reception counter, or there is an online form available; Library Registration Form

Due to the high level of staff movement within Queensland Health, it is mandatory to give a point of contact outside of Queensland Health when completing the form e.g. mobile number and home address.

If the library is unstaffed when you borrow, please fill out a loan sheet located on the shelf at the entrance to the library.
Clients may borrow up to 5 items at a time. Items may be borrowed for three weeks.  If items are required for longer, contact the library with the relevant details (book title, employee number, etc.) to arrange an extension.  It is also possible to renew items yourself by logging into the catalogue. 

Items from the Reference collection are not available for loan.

Returns Box

This is located just inside the entrance to the library.

New Resources

New resources are displayed on the display wall near the couch in the library.

Inter-Library Loans

Due to cost limitations, there are restrictions on this service. We only conduct inter-library loans from other Queensland Health Libraries or another QLD Government Library. Book Requests may be made online via the link on the QH Libraries internet page: Ask us for a book These should be completed with the full details of the book required.  Allow 3-7 working days for receipt of the requested item.

Electronic Books

The library has a large range of clinically relevant electronic books available from work and home that are not listed on CKN.  You may access these electronic books at: QLD Health Electronic Books
You will be required to enter your Queensland Health employee number and your surname to access the ebooks. You must also be currently registered with Queensland Health Libraries.


A multifunction machine is available free of charge to print, copy and scan. There is no fax facility.

Literature Searches

The Library provides a literature search service saving you time and utilising the expertise of library staff.  Contact the Library, or complete the online request form -Ask us to search for information
Please be sure to define the topic clearly - be as specific as possible regarding alternative terms, subject area, keywords, synonyms, trade names, country, time period, languages etc.

Computer Access

Three computers are available in the library for staff to access the internet and the Queensland Health Network (QHEPS). Two University of Queensland computers are available to UQ staff and students only. They require a UQ login and password.

Free Wifi

Free Wifi is available 24/7 in the library.  You are welcome to bring in your own devices, e.g. ipad, laptops, mobile phones to access the Wifi. The network name and password is posted on signs within the Library.

Information Literacy Training @ Redland Hospital

Do your information literacy skills need a refresh? Feel you need to book in for a one-on-one training session? Would you like an in-service at your workplace? Contact the library for a list of topics on offer.

Subject Guides

Queensland Health Libraries have created online subject specialty guides that provide links to evidence-based literature from medical databases, links to full text electronic books, RSS feeds from relevant journals and links to our catalogue of resources. 

Some examples of topics include; Asthma, Heart Failure, COPD, Lung Cancer, Stroke, Supervision, Medical Education and Pressure Injury. The guides are available from work and home at: Subject Guides

Current Awareness Services

Queensland Health Libraries also produce Current Awareness Services. If you would like to be added to the email list of one of the following topics please contact the library.

Library Website

The Redland Hospital Library Intranet web site on QHEPS provides information regarding services provided by this library.  It also provides links to library forms and other relevant web sites and electronic journals. 

Access the site via Queensland Health computers
Access to various library resources is also available from home at: or simply ‘Google’ Queensland Health Libraries.

Queensland Health Libraries – Informed Decisions


Profile Photo
Bayside Health Services Library
Redland Hospital
Weippin St
Cleveland QLD 4163
07 3488 3289

Access to library: 24/7 with staff ID swipe card.

Librarian available:
Mon-Thurs in library
09:00- 16:00
Friday - work from home
(07) 3488-3289
Research assistance, subject guides, and useful resources compiled by your friendly librarians. Know what we know - find it in our Specialty Guides!