Welcome to the Nursing Guide, the place to start your research with links to relevant library resources, including databases of journal articles, lists of eBooks and eJournals, and tips on finding evidence based research.
We can:
PAH Library and Knowledge Centre
3176 2571
Opening Hours
Staff available 9am - 4pm, Mon-Fri, (away public holidays)
Library space 24/7 via staff swipe card
Library is not open to the general public. Library supports PAH hospital staff, visiting QH staff, students on placement, and visiting academics. More info: FAQs.
Through the CKN you have access to many e-journals including the titles listed below. If you are looking for a specific article and you can't locate it on CKN please request a copy for the library using our Article Request Form.
If you would like to suggest content for this site please email pah_library@health.qld.gov.au.
Before relying on this material for any important matter, staff should carefully evaluate its accuracy, currency, completeness and relevance to ensure it is appropriate for their purpose. Links to websites and online resources are provided for convenience and do not constitute endorsement of material or of any associated organisation, product or service.