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Redland Hospital History: Volunteers

Opened 1987

Redland Hospital Volunteers


-The Redland Hospital Auxillary is established to help raise funds for the 'soon to be opened' hospital. 


-Chapel of the Good Shepard opens with 2 Chaplains.

-Auxillary moves into the new hospital and the shop is named 'Koala Kiosk'


-A plan to refurbish the kiosk is proposed.


-The position of Volunteer Coordinator is created to oversee all the volunteers and represent the hospitals best interests. 

-Kiosk extensions are complete


-Auxillary donates $42,000 to purchase new Hi/Low Bed


-The Auxillary has raised over 1 million dollars to help purchase hospital equipment and patient comforts. 


-June, 102 volunteers give approximately 1500 hours a month.  They assist in areas according to their skills and interests, such as meeting with patients and completing administrative tasks.  The volunteers come from all walks of life, they are compassionate and generous and make a valuable contribution.  

-7 volunteer Chaplains work at Redland Hospital

Redland Hospital volunteers in the news

Red Frogs

"At one time, for reasons that the Auxillary volunteers were never able to fathom, red frogs were of particular interest to the nursing staff - they just couldn't get enough of them! In fact the proceeds from the sale of frogs paid for many of the early items provided for the comfort of patients" (Bosher, E. Redland Hospital Auxillary Booklet, 2012).

Redland Hospital Auxillary

Redland Hospital Auxillary

Crafted items available to purchase at the Koala Kiosk

Santa visits patients


"We are there by invitation, we see it as a privledge to be invited into their space and we respond to the needs we identify in the conversation". (Quote by Chaplain Peter McFerran, 2017).


Redland Hospital Chaplains are on site Monday -Friday 8:30am - 1pm and have a 24/7 emergency service.

The Redland Hospital Chaplaincy service offers adult memorial services twice a year and baby memorial services four times a year.  Memorial services are announced in the Redland Times.


Chapel of the Good Shepard

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